Ogbe Turupon

Ogbe Osa

Ogunda Meji
The reading of the year was revealed in the Ile of Baba Awodele Ifayemi, in Denver Colorado. The primary Odu was cast by our youngest awo; Ogbe Sotito – Jason Tibbitt, the first witness was cast by EjiOgbe Michael Bolden, and the second witness was cast by EjiOgbe Fatu.
Ifa says that no matter the condition in which you may find yourself, you must never lie. You must never cheat or be dishonest.
Ifa says that those who are cheating you will find themselves to blame in the end. On this Ifa says:
Bi oju ba n pon Babalawo
Ki Babalawo ma puro
Bi oju ba n pon Onisegun
Ki onisegun ma sera
Nitori ati sun Awo
Dia fun Orunmila
Nijo eni Aimo wa n ko ogun ja Baba
Won ni ko sakaala ebo ni sise
O gbebo, o rubo
If a Babalawo is in grave want
Let the Babalawo lie not
If a herbalist is in need
Let the herbalist not be dishonest
Let no one lie or display dishonesty
These are the declarations of Ifa to Orunmila
When unknown people (pretenders) were waging was against him
He was advised to offer sacrifice
He complied.
Orunmila was finding it extremely difficult to make ends meet. He tried many things he knew but to no avail. He was always telling people to be steadfast, honest and sincere but he was not successful. His honesty did not pay him any royalties.
On the other hand, all those who were dishonest were very successful. They had all the enviable things of life. They were all making fun of Orunmila that in spite of his honesty, he was a total failure. Consequently, Orunmila went to a group of Awo for Ifa consultation. The Awo informed Orunmila that he must continue to display transparent honesty in all his thoughts, speeches and deeds. They also informed him that he would be able to overcome his problems and eventually get to the root of his problems by discovering who and what were responsible for his lack of success.
Orunmila was therefore advised to offer a sacrifice of two hens, two pigeons and money. He complied. He was then told to be watchful and patient.
A few days after the sacrifice, some of the apparently successful people who engaged in falsehood came to Orunmila to advise him to stop being honest since truthfulness was unrewarding. They asked Orunmila to consider putting little lies into his business in order for him to be successful. Orunmila turned down their advice and told them that they should remember that everyone would be accountable to Olodumare whenever they died. He said that he would continue to be truthful in spite of his wants. They got annoyed and left him.
Before long however, many of them were caught impersonating Orunmila deceiving people and extorting various sums of money from them. Many were caught stealing. Many were caught trying to blackmail others. Some were exposed for claiming to possess certain privilege or authority that did not belong to them. They were all punished appropriately.
At the same time, the qualities of Orunmila were recognized and for this reason, he was respected, honored and made the “Oloooto Aye” – The honest man of the world. He was very happy and he was praising his Awo thus:
Bi oju ba n pon Babalawo
Ki Babalawo ma puro
Bi oju ba n pon Onisegun
Ki onisegun ma sera
Nitori ati sun Awo
Dia fun Orunmila
Nijo eni Aimo wa n ko ogun ja Baba
Won ni ko sakaala ebo ni sise
O gbebo, o rubo
Nje eni Aimo
Emi ma wa mo yin o
Eni Aimo
Emi ti mo Monumonu
To finu jo Oka
Eni Aimo
Emi ma wa mo yin o
Eni Aimo
Emi ti mo Agbadu
To finu jo Ere
Eni Aimo
Emi ma wa mo yin o
Eni Aimo
Emi ti Iwowo-Ereke
To finu jo Barapetu
Eni Aimo
Emi mawa mo yin o
Eni Aimo
If a Babalwaeo is in grave want
Let the Babalawo lie not
If a herbalist is in need
Let the herbalist not be dishonest
Let no one lie or display dishonesty
Because of accountability when he dies
These are the declarations of Ifa to Orunmila
When unknown people (pretenders) were waging war against him
He was advised to offer sacrifices
He complied.
Now ye pretenders
You have all been exposed
Ye pretenders
I now know the Python
Which pretended in likeness to the Gabon Viper
Ye pretenders
You have all been exposed
Ye pretenders
I now recognize the agbadu
Which pretended in likeness of the Boa Constrictor
Ye pretenders
You have all been exposed
Ye pretenders
I can now see tjeough Iwowo-Ereke (impersonator)
Who claimed that he is Orunmila himself
Ye pretenders
You have all been exposed
Ye pretenders
Ifa says that your honesty shall be rewarded while liars, pretenders and impersonators shall be punished accordingly.
Ethical Teachings of Ogbe Sotito
The liar dies and dies in a forest of fire.
The wiked dies and dies on a sun-scorched savannah.
But the righteous dies and dies peacefully,
Leaning back against a water jar decorated with jewels.
Orunmila, priest of the world,
interpreted the teachings of Ifa for the people of the world,
When they were creating a world,
A world where there was no harmony.
They were advised to sacrifice.
But only the righteous remained to practice sacrifice.
So, speak truth; do justice
Be kind and do not do evil.
Truth travels on a narrow path
But the wicked wanders on a wide road.
Speak truth; do justice
Do justice and speak truth.
For one who is righteous is supported by the Divine.
This is a teaching on the need and value of righteousness in the world. The wrongdoer who lies and is cruel is portrayed as one who does not find cool relief, but rather searing heat signified by the “forest of fire” and the “sun-scorched savannah.” These metaphors for heat and discomfort are contrasted with the metaphor of leaning against the jeweled water jar which signifies not only relaxation in wealth, but also a coolness or calmness suggested by the image of water.
The verse urges us to practice two of the cardinal virtues of Ifa; truth and justice. And it assures us that the righteous who practice these values will be favored by the Device. The verse also encourages us to “be kind” and not be evil. This joining of kindness to the virtues of truthfulness and justice is key to the care and responsibility we must fell and exercise towards one another. For both truth and justice can be harsh. And it is with loving kindness that they are balanced and serve their essential function of bringing and supporting good in the world. It is through kindness that the moral excellence of iwapele, gentle character, is grounded and flourishes.
Warnings from Ogbe Sotito:
- Beware of justice situations, conspiracy, or love triangles, adultery
- You should consider making Ifa, Oriha, receiving Ikofa, or Awofaka immediately.
- You should receive Babalu-Aye
- The evil that you did onece, do not do again.
- Things must be done completely; no short cuts.
- Beware of impotence or blindness or loss of eysignt.
- Beware of loss of a child
- Beware of intestinal/kidney problems
- Try no to speak first, wait your turn and listen first
Instructions regarding offerings for this Odu:
- For this year always include two hens for Oya in addition to any ebo.
- The ebo package should always include 5 yellow and 5 white beads.
- Wash face and genitals with Oshun’s water
- Akuko to Eshu
- Iyalosha to wear ide of Oya and Obatala