I greet you all in the name of Oludumore, Orumila, and other Orisas.
I hereby present the messages of the Odu Irosun Obara (Irosun on the right, and Obara on the left) which came out this year (2023).

The Odu came with the IRE (Good Fortunes), blessings of longevity, wealth, success, prosperity, peace of mind, happiness, victory over enemies, good and sound health, and protection against evil forces. EBO (Sacrifice) and Adimu to Egungun (ancestors) are recommended.
Following are the verses of Irosun Obara recited with their narratives and analysis.
Ifá says there will be progress and prosperity for the business owners. Ifa says those who are building a business should continue their efforts and not be discouraged. Ifa says their hard work and persistence will pay off. At the same time, Ifá says that those who are planning to start a business should go ahead and do so. Ifá says their business will grow into something very large. Ifá says the business opportunity will be presented by itself to the business owners, and they should give it the required value and importance.
On this Ifá says:
Having good fortune at hand does not require collecting more to add to it. Cast divination for ‘Teteegun’ when Teteegun was going to use its small gourd to fetch water of wealth for Olokun.
Teteegun consulted Ifá in order to have abundant blessings of wealth. He was asked to offer sacrifice in order to prosper, Teteegun agreed, and sacrifice was performed for him. Okun is an ocean owned by Olokun. Okun had never been big. Every stream in the hinterland empty their flow to the ocean, but after any rainfall, the small water in the gourd that Teteegun used to make ebo for success would be dropping into the ocean drop by drop. Some people told Olokun that taking water from the gourd of Teteegun is too small for Olokun. Olokun told them that he should take it because after rainfall if he does not take the water the ocean will reduce in size. Olokun blessed ‘Teteegun’ to show appreciation for the assistance, and Teteegun was blessed with abundant wealth by Olokun.
- Ifá says ebo ought to be performed for abundant blessing of wealth.
- Ifá says that ebo should be offered to overcome detractors.
- Ifá says if a small gift is presented, it should not be rejected on the ground that being a wealthy person, small gifts would not make an appreciable increase to the wealth. The poor people that give the token would feel upset and think he is high-handed if the person refuses to accept them. The small gifts would also give progress and prosperity.
- Ifá says that Olokun ought to be appeased in order to have abundant blessings of wealth.
Ifá says this is a year of blessing to individuals. Many people who are planning to travel will be successful in their plans this year while people who stay at home will receive blessings.
Ifá says men should be responsible at home. They should be responsible financially and in other ways, women are also advised to refrain from working against or starving their husbands.
Ifá says men and women should refrain from adultery for it will be leading to fights and untimely death.
Ifá says we should be our brother’s keeper.
Ifá says married women should also refrain from unnecessary familiarity or play with people so that their husbands will not be suspicious of them. Men should also give necessary respect to married women so that their unhealthy play with them will not send them out of their matrimonial homes. Both men and women should refrain from any kind of immoral sexual activities to guide against disease and disgrace. Ifá says everybody should be faithful.
On this Ifá say:
Kooko horo horo horo
The Ifa priest in the town
Ajana Ota
The Ifa priest in the town of Ota
Ofori Ofodo, Ofodo fori Giri papap mon lo gele,
of the honest cast divinations for Orunmila when he (Orunmila) was embarking on a journey.
Orunmila consulted Ifá when he was embarking on a journey to a very far place. He was asked to perform ebo in order to go safely and arrive with the abundant blessing of wealth. He agreed, and the sacrifice was performed for him.
Orunmila had a wife called Osunfunmilayo (Osun gives me joy), and four apprentices (Ifá students) that he left at home. Orunmila spent a period of time on the journey to the extent that Osunfunmilayo had her monthly period (Menstruation) for three consecutive months without seeing Orunmila.
When Orunmila did not arrive in the third month, his wife went to consult Ifá to know when Orunmila would arrive, but surprisingly, when she got to the first apprentice of Orunmila, instead of casting Ifá for her, he tried to seduce her. Osunfunmilayo being an honest and responsible wife, rejected him (Kooko koro horo horo) and she left his house, then she went to the house of the second apprentice (Ajana) of Orunmila, he also wanted to have sex with Orunmila’s wife, Osunfunmilayo left his house, when she went to the house of the third apprentice (Ofori Ofodo, Ofodo Fori), he also wanted to sleep with her and she left her house.
When she got to the house of the fourth apprentice (Ega seso) he gave Osunfunmilayo full respect, he performed Ifá divination for her, and he performed the sacrifice for Osunfunmilayo.
Orunmila arrived on the day they made the sacrifice. Being a faithful and responsible wife, when Orunmila arrived, Osunfunmilayo narrated the challenges she encountered when she wanted to do Ifá consultation in the house of each apprentice and Orunmila praised and thanked her.
When the apprentices heard Orunmila had arrived, they went to greet him, when Orunmila saw the three apprentices that wanted to betray Orunmila, he killed them and removed their wealth. When the fourth apprentice wanted to greet Orunmila he didn’t want to enter the house of Orunmila, he was saying his hands and legs were shaking, saying it is difficult to enter the house of Orunmila, and Orunmila told him, his hands and legs should not be shaken, he asked ‘Ega sese’ to enter his house peacefully. The fourth apprentice (Ega sese) entered, and Orunmila prayed for him, he said Ega sese will have abundant blessings of good fortune in life. Ega sese became a successful person.
Ifá ought to be appeased. Ebo should be made to always come across fortunes as we go our everyday. Ebo against Ajoguns should be made as well as ebo for economic wealth. Ebo against diseases should be offered to your heavenly mate (Egbe).
Feed Osun for a successful pregnancy.
Ifá says that political leaders should refrain from fraudulent activities.
Ifá says people are too greedy, that they want treasures that are meant for the whole community or nation to be their alone. Ifá is warning the political leaders to refrain from this act to escape the wrath of Olodumore and for the community or nation to be better for this.
Ifá warns our political class against looking for war.
On this Ifá says:
The Ifá priests in the village do not have a chance to know Ifá like the Ifá priests in the town Cast divination for Opesegisegi The Ifá priest in the house of Onibosi When Onibosi was asked to do ebo in order to have children.
Opesegisegi was an Ifá priest in the house of Onibosi. He was warned to be honest, and not greedy. He was asked to follow the real tenets of Ifa, but he did not yield to the warning.
He was so greedy.
When Onibosi asked him to consult Ifá for him, he asked Onibosi to include the cloth that is the most beautiful in his clothes in the sacrificial materials.
Onibosi felt reluctant to release the cloth, but he gave it to Opesegisegi.
After performing the sacrifice for him, he had Children. When the children grew up, they asked him what they could do for him to make him happy. He told them that he wanted them to collect his cloth from Opesegisegi.
All his children went to fight Onibosi and they requested the cloth that he collected as sacrificial materials because of his greediness. They have been troubling the family of Opesegisegi till today.
- Ebo should be made for wealth.
- Ogun ought to be fed.
- Ebo against evil spirits.
- Ifá ought to be fed.