By learning the Self-Empowering Principles as taught by the Odus of Ifá, you will be able to be the architect of the kind of life you desire for yourself. The kind of life that will give you a sense of fulfillment and true joy.
Get really clear on the REAL unconscious problem that is driving your current behavior & results (and fix it!)
Gain freedom from negative emotions such as Anger, Sadness, Fear, Hurt & Guilt from the past that is currently holding you back
Remove Beliefs you hold that are limiting your success (e.g. I’m not good enough, I fear rejection, I’m scared of failure)
Gain clarity about what is important to you and set really compelling goals that are more likely to come to fruition
Get clear on your REAL values and change them if you wish. Values are what is important to us, determine what we spend time on and therefore what motivates us
Stop your brain controlling you and instead take back control and ensure it does what you want it to do in support of your goals
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