Welcome back to my second installment of Conversation About Itefa. Part two was inspired by a reader who has an interest in Itefa and had a few questions which I recognized as echoing the concerns of many I’ve spoken to over the years regarding Itefa.
I hope you find this video post informative.
As always, if you have a question related to Itefa or any other Ifa/Orisa-related topic, please feel free to ask me via your comments or email.
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Alafia Awodele, your two part video on Itefa was very informative for me. I guess at this point I have two questions…One is that is Itefa different from Icofa? And secondly, the restart you speak of about Itefa sounds alot like the Ori ceremony. Are they the same as well or are they different? I greatly appreciate your wisdom on these two questions.
Alafia Cathy;
Thank you for your visit, and comment about the videos. I apologize for the tardy reply.
Itefa is the name given to the ceremony which initiates a person into the worship of Ifa. Icofa is a ceremony which grants a person the spirit of Orunmila. This single hand of Orunmila, which is EXACTLY the same for either men or women, is a direct conduit to the energy of the Orisa of divination. The reading done on the third day of this ceremony is perhaps the most important reading you can receive in your life. In a traditional setting, a child is read within 3 days of birth. The information received by the parents details the knowledge they should have in order to properly guide and care for the child. They learn what the child is destined for, the most successful career, etc.
In the Diaspora, this type of information is not available to parents, however; the insight received via the Ita of the Icofa will prove to be invaluable, and an effective guide towards helping you fulfill your destiny.
Regarding your question bout Ori…
The first thing I want to clarify is that there is no initiation into Ori. Why? Because you are born with it. It is true that you can improve your conditions to the degree you care for your Ori. This can be done via Head Rogations or by receiving the Ile (vessel/house) Ori. Receiving Ile Ori tends to have a positive psychological impact in that most people are more incline to care for their Ori via an Ile Ori. The key point to this argument is that worshiping your Ori improves your live, but does not change your destiny. For better or worst, you chose your destiny prior to birth. If the choice was less than desirable, worshiping your Ori will help make your earthly ‘experience’ less difficult, and in even improve certain conditions.
I hope this answered your questions, and please keep them coming.
Ogbó àtó Asure Ìwòrìwòfún.
O dábò!
Chief Awodele Ifayemi
Atunwase Awo of Ilobuland
Aboru aboye Oloye Awodele….Bravo!! Awesome and fantastic video, Baba! First, I must apologize for being so tardy with this comment. However, it seemed to that one thing after another distracted me for writing earlier (or, maybe it was some sub-conscious reasons that I’m not clear about — yet
). But, I am clear about one thing…Your contributions to this tradition are very, very strong, and your approach to explaining it seems unrivaled (from my humble perspective, anyway)! And, finally, I am so grateful for your addressing my concerns directly! That was both an honor, and an education, simultaneously!
I found your patient approach to addressing most, in not all, of my questions, very effective. You seem like a great ‘parent of the mysteries,’ Sir. A true Babalawo!! Your notion of ‘western-minded,’ Diasporic African practicitioners’ experiences, and cultural expertise, being different, and unique, to those of Continental African practictioners’ excellent, Sir — in my opinion. So, when you got around to answering the questions about the need for language proficiency, you answer(s) made total sense because the ground-work of your logic had already being laid. Listening to your replies quickly taught me that there is a big difference is knowing something, as opposed to teaching what one knows to other. And, Baba, you are obvioudly a great teacher!!
With that said, the offer to study with you and/or join your Ile sounds to me like a dream-scenario!! And, one that I would have ordinarily already taken you up on; however, at present I am studying with the Awo I plan to Itefa with, so I’m hoping that your offer will still be available in the coming future. By the way, I have already visited some of your other websites and read some of the student-testimonies about their experiences with you (including the Dr.’s appreciation for your wit and sense of humor), so I will quote a scene from the movie BELLY where the youngster tells the rapper Nas, “I like your style, Kid :-)!!”
Finally, I do wish, however, that I would have more clearly articulated one of my queries in my last comment concerning non-diviner occupational speciality options for omo-Awo after Itefa, that don’t involve becoming a diviner. I think I meant to ask, were there occupations, inside of the world if Isese L’agba besides spirituality sciences, which might take omo-Awo into the fields of family services, business, and/or political sciences (so fewer unprepared Am. Awo might not pursue Divining for others?). Or, is it that since the indignious Africans don’t traditionally divide spirituality from everything else, either an initiate of Ifa would have to either study Odu or simply leave it alone all together.? And, while I’m on it, for those who do choose to study Odu: would it be accurate to note that after a new initiate undergoes Itefa, and then learns the necessary number of Ese ifa per each Odu Ifa, and their Ebo Riru, etc., that s/he would then beable to began developing specialty areas in IFA (like herbalism, music — bata and/or songs, philosophy, judicial, and/or dance) by way of deeper study of certain selected Ese Ifa, under the guidance of a more senior Awo??
So, once again, I thank you Baba — Ese pupo, for not only sharing more information on the subject of Itefa with us, in general; but also, for directly addressing several of my questions on it, in particular. I continue to look forward to more of your teachings Baba, anD stand ready to assist you in anyway that I can in the meantime…Continue health and blessings, Baba Awodele…Ase ooo! PS: Sorry for the length, I guess I am excited to communicate with you again :-)!
Alafia Sir.
I just wanted to ask a question in regards to your above answer which is how can we identify and take care of our Ori ourselves?
O dabo Sir.
Alaafia Doyin;
Thank you for your visit and question. First of all, let me say that every person on the face of this planet is born with an Ori. Identifying Ori is very simple. Your Ori is a higher more complete version of you. It knows why you are hear as well as your purpose. Ori is neither male or female, but both. It has no limitations and will always be with us no matter where we go.
Taking care of your Ori is something you should do just as you take care of your physical body. You bathe and feed your body, and so it should be for your Ori. There are many things you can use to feed your Ori and if you email me I will be more than happy to send you a document outlining the process of feeding your Ori.
Ogbó àtó Asure Ìwòrìwòfún.
O dábò!
Chief Awodele Ifayemi
Atunwase Awo of Ilobuland
Alafia Baba, can you please email me the document outlining the process of feeding your ori
Iya Oriyoomi
Please revisit the 4-Pillars of Ifá workshop. You will fins it in the Ori Workshop.
Alaafia Chief Awodele,
May I also have some information on how to take care of my ORI as well? In 2017 I am getting more into the Study of IFA as well as my ancestors and paying homage to them. Thanking you in advance and by the way Happy New Year.
Alaafia Candice;
My apologies for the tardy reply.
Please email me via the site contact form, and I will send you instructions.
Ogbó àtó Asure Ìwòrìwòfún.
O dábò!
Chief Awodele Ifayemi
Atunwase Awo of Ilobuland
Alafia Baba,
Adupeooo for all the teachings you give. I have owofakan (cofa). Is it possible to obtain another odu? There are reasons why I am asking that are too lengthy to explain here.
In addition, is there such thing as a person not being helped (redeemed)? Even if it’s your own child. I thought that Ifa can heal any situation even the world?
Finally, in your videos, you speak in a masculine sense by using the term “Babalawos.” The training and initiation you offer are only for men?
Thanks for your response.
Alaafia Ayo;
Thank you for your visit, and question.
Due to the nature of your questions, it would be best to go over your answers via a phone call.
Regarding your last question, Itefa (Ifa Initiation) is available to both men and women. Although this is not necessarily true for some lineages.
Ogbó àtó Asure Ìwòrìwòfún.
O dábò!
Chief Awodele Ifayemi
Atunwase Awo of Ilobuland