A babalawo cannot be wise enough to predict the odu or Odu of Ifa that will appear in a divination or consultation. Ogbe Iwori is the 18th Odu of the Ifa genealogical order.
Analysis and reflection by Ogbe Iwori
Ifa in this Oddun tells us about the importance of respect and good treatment that we have towards our elders, as long as we have a kind behavior all positive things will come into our lives.
Ogbe Iwori is a turbulent odu where we must be cautious and perform ebbo to prevent our opponents from beating us, since this is a odu that reflects how malicious our enemies can be, they will stick to different negative energies in order to harm us. We must avoid falling into the temptation to act in the same way, we must not do wrong or ask for misfortune for others justifying ourselves in revenge, since it is the Orishas who must be in charge of evaluating each situation.
Orunmila will make the one who follows his advice and is guided by his ethical code victorious, since he will never let the person fall, who Ogbe Iwori reveals to him.
It also exhorts us to verify the parenting methods that are applied to our children, as we must avoid excessive consent and not allow children to disrespect older relatives when they visit our home.
Economic aspect
Ifa in this odu predicts the success for the person, the businesses and the project will materialize, but we must not forget the benefactors or those people who were paving the way so that we could achieve our objectives. We must through Ifa determine which is the sacrifice that we must make to the Orisha Obatala, it is this deity that will help us find success, which should not be neglected by the person who follows this astral.
Ogbe Iwori says that there are many people who do not want us to be successful, we must learn to identify these people and remove them from our environment, because they will try through witchcraft to block our path and evolution. This odu advises us to stay away from people who practice palería or have some type of garment.
Ogbe Iwori religious aspect
Ogbe Weñe (Iwori) is an Odu Maferefun Eggun, sacrifices must be made to the ancestors especially to the spirituality of the father, because here it is this egun who will help achieve the goals that the person has.
Ifa says for whom the Odun Ogbe Iwori is revealed, that he or she will fulfill all their ambitions as long as they have the support of their egun protectors.
Also for this odu men are recommended to receive ozain, because through this deity they will be able to overcome the arayes and avoid the complications that arise from any curse or sorcery that they practice against us.
The recommendations should always be followed, because this ifa is very complex, because if we neglect our astral and spiritual means, a chaos can result that will end in the destruction of our home with which our stability will end. Here it is also said that the Iyami are generating disturbance, it is advisable to pay attention to the witches and Gold to appease which negative energy that disturbs us.
Ogbe Iwori in Love
Ifa says that whoever has this Odu will be able to form a home and establish a stable relationship, as long as he learns to control anger and jealousy, since the children of this Odu are usually possessive and controlling. Stability in love will surely arrive after 25 years of life, it is advisable to beg your head with two white doves at the foot of Obatala asking to find the right person with whom to share our life.
Other names for Ogbe Iwori:
- Ogbe Weñe.
- Ogbe Iwori.
- Ogbe Iwein.
Born in Ogbe Iwori:
- Born: The Osanyin Oath with iron in the Mandingo land.
- Las Glorias for necklaces. An Orúnmila necklace made only with Glories is used.
- The stick loses its way
- Put Oshún ókpele, a Tablet, a pomito of Iyefá and cover it with a yellow cloth.
- May Sorcery have power over human existence.
- Cow. And his tail to scare away the disease.
- The atmosphere.
- Here: When you see this Ifá, turn your head to the right because death is coming and to the left because bad things are coming.
Ogbe Iwori speaks:
- Talk about how the person can be perverse with bad feelings.
- This Odu of Ifa of Embarrassment.
- It speaks of the man who cannot with his wife.
- Talk about not having a seat in life.
- The Odu Ogbe Iwori prohibits wearing black clothes.
- You can’t make fun of old folks.
- You cannot curse.
- The person cannot despair.
- In ogbe Iwori, it was where Orúnmila deceived Oshún.
Ogbe Iwori bans:
- Never dress in black clothes.
- Don’t make fun of the old men.
- Don’t curse.
- Don’t despair so much.
Ogbe Iwori Recommendations:
- If she is a maiden, she must quickly receive Ikofafun to avoid embarrassment and distrust of men.
- Have patience and peace of mind to live.
- Be careful with a changed hat or cap as you work to lose the person.
- Be careful with the brakes if you drive any type of vehicle.
- Investigate what Shango wants.
- Serve your mother’s spirit for good.
- Ifá says in the odun Ogbe Iwori that other than him there is no one who sees.
- The husband and wife have to do works.
- The person is hairy do not shave that is the gift you need to succeed in life.
When Ogbe Iwori has problems you should give him:
- A chicken to Egun or Eshu-Elegba.
- Goat to Yemajá.
- Canary to Oshún.
- Head praying with 2 white doves.
Sayings of Ogbe Iwori:
- The Awó respects other people’s women.
- When a needle falls off a Leper, he struggles to get hold of it again.
- Spoiled and intractable children will be corrected by the stranger.
- The Abikú turns the doctor into a mystery.
- Each one came to what God commanded.
- Although they believe me alone, I am not.
- The great drummer Akete said that it would take him a long time to make his sound.
- You are brave, you trust your strength, but if you do not moderate your ambitions, you will have an old age just to dry tears.
- The sponge happily goes to the bathroom, but comes out crying.
- He who conceals an injury is sane.
- The Odus of Ifá, is stronger than witchcraft.
- War of the Awó with Sorcerers.
Ifa code of ethics from Odun Ogbe Iwori:
The Awó respects other people’s women.
Description and Meaning of Odu Ogbe Iwori
Ogbe Iwori in Ayewo Iku
- You cannot dress in black clothes.
- Death comes and things that are not good.
Ogbe Iwori in Ayewo Eyo
- Ifá of war, of hidden enemies, of betrayal of deceptions, of harsh trials.
- The person can be wicked and have bad feelings.
- If she is a maid, give her Ikofá quickly to avoid the embarrassment of the parents and with it a tragedy.
- Beware a revenge.
- Be careful with the car’s brakes.
- He is in prison and there is another one in the mess.
Odu Ogbe Iwori in Ayewo Ofo
- Loss of stability.
- Loss of money, work, and things of value.
Ogbe Iwori in Ayewo Ogu
- You have to be careful with hat, caps, clothing and other personal items, because here you work to lose the person.
- Here was born that witchcraft has power over human existence.
Ogbe Iwori in Ayewo Ona
- Ifá of disobedience.
- Of tests.
- Of Nonconformity.
The Odu Ogbe Iwori in Ire Aiku
- Take care of the Egun, mainly that of your Iyá Tobí to go umbo.
- If the person is beautiful, do not shave, there is his gift to succeed.
Odun Ogbe Iwori in Ire Ishegun Ota
- Will expired on War
- Will expired on Betrayal
- Expiration Welfare on Deception
- Expiration Good on Harsh Trials of Life
- Expiration Good on Hidden Enemies
- In Ogbe Iwori, you have to be obedient and do what the Orishas indicate
Ogbe Iwori in Ire Lowo Iya
- If your mother is dead attend that Eggun for an iré umbo.
- If she is alive, take care of her, listen to her and ask her blessings so that everything goes well for her.
Says Odu Ogbe Iwori
That in your youth you really liked the streets, the gang, the rumba and things like that. He likes to touch the woman of others, that does not suit him. A friend is going to turn his face because of another person, who is going to tell him that that friend is not convenient for him; all that is to take money. If he fights with that friend, he will look bad and blind.
Beware of a shameless thing in a house where you are going to go, and they will say that you stole something, and full of shame you will take a sharp knife and there will be a misfortune.
You have a sharp knife on or at home.
You are always fighting with your wife, and she with you.
Olofin and Orunmila are behind you.
Do not let rainwater fall on you. He was once at death’s door. your luck is good, but people envy you a lot, be careful with one thing they will do to you for revenge.
Be careful not to be hit with the same iron.
He is going to make a woman fall in love and she is going to love him for revenge.
You know a secret about a person and that person wants to make a mess or lawsuit with you, do not communicate their secrets, otherwise you will be in danger.
Ifa says in Ogbe Iwori:
Be careful with venereal diseases. It has half a weight in your pocket, put it there for your view.
Do not cross holes, because death is behind you; don’t bother, don’t get the blood going to your head.
You are going to win the lottery. you had a child with another man who wants to embark. You plan to make a robbery. Don’t be arrogant.
Your grandmother or mother is dead. leaks fall in his house and he fixes them. you are six brothers. in his house they are covering a cesspool, where a man fell. He wanted to jump into a well or sea. his rule is of very black blood. You must hear about a fire and a rich man who became poor. meet Shango and try to have children.
In Ogbe Iwori he has to celebrate mass for a deceased.
Dress in white, be calm, because as long as you are in a hurry things will go wrong for you.
Prayer of the Odu Ogbe Iwori:
Ogbe Iwori maferefun obatala, obatala aleyo umbo inedi ire umbo omofa obe bode kino iderele adifayoko asheguida orunmila ada asho kue ki eyele, aikodie, eku, ejá, epo, awado opolopo owo.
Suyere of the Odu of Ifa Ogbe Iwori:
Ogbe Iwori’s Ebo:
To ward off enemies (Ogbe Iwori Odu artwork):
You take a green pumpkin and with a knife you make 7 cuts along and around it calling the enemies in front of Azojuano and they are put for 17 days with a glass with purple flowers and a candle praying death for those enemies, the Purple flowers are taken to the cemetery every day, putting fresh every day, at 17 days the pumpkin is cut into 4 parts that are boiled without salt, then each piece is wrapped in black cloth and taken to the cemetery and the 4 corners praying Ogbe Iwori then the 4 pieces are buried in a grave asking for the destruction of the enemies. Then he bathes for 16 days with herbs from Obatalá.
Stories of the odu of Ifa Ogbe Iwori:
Preparations to leave Ogbe Iwori Heaven.
These were the two Awoses who guessed for Ogbe Iwori before he left Heaven to come to the world. They told him that he would be a team leader and collector and would perform great feats. They told him to sacrifice to his Guardian Angel with a dead goat, chicken and 16 snails.
They also told him to make sacrifice with a male goat to Eshu and to celebrate Ogun with a rooster, a dog, and a tortoise. He made the sacrifices and came to the World.
Before leaving for Earth, they told him not to travel anywhere that was far from his home without consulting his Ifá, because the only painful point in his life would be the risk of catastrophe that could occur in his absence.
That is the reason why when this Odu “Ogbe Iwori” manifests in divination, all who are present should look back, to the right and to the left and pray: “That Orúnmila does not allow the battle to invade me from behind. “
Ogbe Iwori: Osanyin king of medicine and harm.
On the top of a hill lived father and son, the father was Palero or Sorcerer and the son did not agree with that religion, as the child grew more problems arose between father and son, until the child was already a boy He left home to make a living, after spending a lot of time and work he had to live a long time in the mountains, one day at dusk a man who had only one eye appeared to him, one-armed and lame, the scared boy tried to lie down to run but could not, the man calmed him down and explained all the work he had gone through because of his father’s witchcraft
but that he was not bad, the boy approached that strange man and asked him how he knew
so much of his life to which he replied:
Telling him that he was the King of the mountains and that he, although imperfect, possessed such great and extensive powers to the point that without his help there would be no birth of any religion because he possessed all the secrets and that if he had any doubt he would give him his name So that he did not hesitate and said, my name is Osanyin and I am the King of all the medicinal and harmful elements that exist.
The boy was even more surprised, because he knew that there lived a being that everyone called Osanyin and that everyone feared. The visitor left promising to return the next day and he did so, after repeating his visits for three consecutive Fridays Osain sat the boy on the third Friday and said, because with the need you have and the hunger you are going through, you have not He asked for nothing, so the boy replied that he was the King of those places, he had to know everything that was happening and he did not ask because he was used to not asking because he felt sorry for it. Osanyin said come with me and took him to the most intricate part of the mountain, already inside three Fridays passed in which Osanyin prepared a Cauldron for the boy, the last Friday he called him and told him I give you this so that from now on he does not go through more difficulties or bad times provided by the Sorcerers, all the battles you will win as long as you obey me, but you will always answer to your father because he made you and he will need you.
The boy left the mountain and settled on the outskirts of a town where he met several people whom he served over time, he went to visit Orúnmila and consulted him and he told him that he had to do Ifá so that his luck would be complete and so did.
As the years went by, this boy became a man of great fame for his powers and virtues, he did not ignore Osanyin or Orúnmila.
One day the father sent for him to look for him urgently because he was sick and the son went to the father and found him that for a long time he had been suffering from diseases that his garment did not cure him, the son consulted him and had ebo made with several things and also that Sarayeye was made with a griffin rooster and gave it to Osanyin, the father did so and he was cured and from then on they have been taken as father and son (The boy was Ogbe Iwori).
Ogbe Iwori Ifa Traditional
Ogbe weyin wo
Bájáà ré or baà pa ikún
Awo Ode ló día fun Ode
Ode ní n regbó méje èlùjù méje
Wón ní kí ode ó saca káalè
Ebo ní ó se kótó móo lo
Odé gbébo nbè ó rbo
Ogbè wèyin
Bájáà ré or baà pa Ikún
A day fun Ònyagbè
Èyí tú n lo rèé bá won múlè oko àìródún
Wón ní ó saca káalè ebo ní ó se kó túó lo
Ònyàgbè gbébo nbè ó rbo
Wón lòó bá won múlè lègàn
ode n sode
Àgbè n sàgbè
Wón wáá gbébo nbè wón rubo
Rírú ebo èèrù àtùkèsù
E wáá bá ni ni jèbútú ire
Jèbútú ire làá bá ni lésè oba Òrìsà
E jé á móde magbè kó lè yeni
Àgbè n tokoó bò
Ó mú Ìkókóró fun Ode
Odé n tijùú bò
Ó mú ìkókóró were
Ó yes fún Agbè
Es jèé a móde magbè kó lè yeni
Rírú ebo, èèrù àtùkèsù
Ayé waá ye wa tutúru!
Ifá wants this person to be well. He will be successful. Ifá asks him to have good behavior because he and someone else will be good friends. Advise both of you not to put each other down. They should not be stingy.
Ogbè looks back.
In case your dog kills the ikun rat.
It is the Babaláwo of the Hunter who made divination for the Hunter.
The HUNTER went to the seven renowned forests and bushes.
They told him to take care of the land
He should offer the sacrifice before his departure.
The Hunter found out about the sacrifice and performed it
Ogbè looks back.
In case your dog kills the ikun rat.
He made divination for the Farmer
The one who was going to choose a new land for annual farming.
They told him to take care of the land
And perform the sacrifice before his departure.
Two of them entered the deep forests.
The Hunter hunted in the bushes.
The farmer also cultivated the land.
Both had found out about the sacrifice and offered the prescribed sacrifices and free gifts to Esu.
Come and find us with good news.
One usually is to find good agriculture to make our world better.
The farmer was coming back from the farm.
He gave a small piece of yam to the hunter.
The Hunter was returning from the deep forest.
He got himself a little piece of the meat.
And he gave it to the farmer.
Please let us combine hunting with agriculture permanently so that everything is better for us.
We offered the prescribed sacrifices and free gifts to ùsù
Please allow our life to be very prosperous.
Eshu by Ogbe Iwori
Load for this Eshu: Bogbo Igi, eku, eya, epo, awado, scorpions, mealybugs, Bibijaguas, eleguede seeds, leri de Zunzun, ileke funfun, one more is made with all the ingredients and two eyele funfun are given. The akokanes, livers, gizzards, leri, go to the load, in addition it carries other known ingredients of the load of Elegba.
Orunmila’s necklace from Ogbe Iwori is white and green because Obatalá was the one who saved him.
The child of this odu cannot get wet or walk in the serene, live many years leading a religious life and a kind of inheritance of land or money will come to him.