Ifá’s Guidance for the week comes from the Odu Obara Otura and it comes with blessings. Learn about the energies impacting you this week, and what to do about it.
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Chief Awodele Ifayemi comes from a long line of reputable Babalawos. He is the Awo Mayegun of Ilobu Land, Osun State Nigeria. He shares his knowledge of Ifá with whoever is seeking to find their “truth” in life. He teaches that Ifá is a Spiritual Philosophy that teaches Self-Empowerment via Self-Accountability.
Ifá’s guidance for the week is delivered by the Odu Iwori Irete, and it comes with blessings. Log in to learn what to do to manifest these blessings.
Ifá’s guidance for the week is guided by the Odu Irosun Ogunda, focusing on navigating challenges related to relationships, health, and finances while seizing opportunities for victory, financial prosperity, and spiritual growth.
Ifa’s guidance for this week was delivered by the Odu Ose Ogunda where Ifá says that during this week inferior influences will prevail. Therefore; do not attempt to intervene.
Ifá’s guidance for the week is delivered by the Odu Ose Oyeku, and it comes with a challenge two challenges. Log in to discover what these challenges are, and what…
Ifá’s guidance for the week was delivered by the Odu Irosun Ogbe, where Ifá invite us to reflect on the importance of calmness, spiritual connection, and persistence in our actions.
Ifa’s guidance for this week was delivered by the Odu Odi Ogbe where Ifá says that you are able to competently handle just about every facet of your life except for the one facing you now.