Another resource in the mind that can transform any of the problematic states that we might be experiencing is called science of the mind.
This is the objective mind, the fair-witness mind, the observing mind; the Ogun mind.
The Ogun mind is the mind that is willing to look at things as they are rather than as we want them to be. The Orisa Ogun reminds us to look at things holistically. When we look at the whole of things we are able to stay objective and also to look at things creatively.
Eshu is the Orisha of communication, Oya is the Orisha associated with creativity, innovation and that which is new or ahead of its time. These Orishas reminds us that the objective mind is the mind that is able to communicate new things in such an objective way that it can be received and heard.
This science of the mind, it’s the objective mind, the fair-witnessing mind, the observing mind. More importantly, it is the mind that is willing to look at things as they are rather than as we want them to be.
Ogun reminds us that objectivity will always allow us to experience the emotional center of who we are, and that the objective of mind allows us to have the experience of unifying the internal experience with the external experience.
To Summarize:
On the mental level of consciousness there are four ways that we can totally transform any mental challenge or problematic state on the mental realm of consciousness: we can access clarity and creativity; we are able to ask for inner guidance and access the meditative mind (peace); which then allows us to freely negotiate or be open to negotiation in getting our needs met (truce); and finally the fair-witnessing mind that can communicate things in such an objective way that they can be received and heard.