Why Ifa is Worshiped Every Five Days
OGBE OWORIN (Day of Weeping) This is the Odu that shares why Ifa is worshiped every five days. We Babalawos give respect by performing this ritual, here and in Nigeria,…
OGBE OWORIN (Day of Weeping) This is the Odu that shares why Ifa is worshiped every five days. We Babalawos give respect by performing this ritual, here and in Nigeria,…
Ifa Religion is an indigenous, earth centered African spiritual tradition which was conceptualized by the Yoruba people of Nigeria, West Africa. According to oral literature, the practice of Ifa originated…
The rites of passage discussed in this article assist in the development of understanding Ifa and the lifestyle that goes with it.
1. Oluwo: This is a man who has studied and practiced Ifa as a priest for many many years and has not only seen Orisa Odu but owns Orisa Odu…
Disclosure: What follows is my own highly opinionated, intensely felt, not necessarily correct, and perhaps at times alienating view of Odu, and what they mean. The first gift of the…
I wan to share a little bit about the odu Oshe’Sa. For the most part one of it’s most significant message says; “If you harbor resentment in your heart you…
Have you ever said to yourself “I know I can do more with my life, but what?” It is a very disheartening place to be… knowing you have the yearning to be more than you are, but don’t know what that is.
Our vast universe is home to a host of celestial bodies. Mercury, Venus, Mars Jupiter Saturn Pluto and Uranus; who were worshiped by all indigenous cultures around the globe under numerous names have influenced the actions of man since time immemorial.
Olodumare announced that for all eternity Oshun would be the Messenger of the House of Olodumare.
Obi divination is the methodology of obtaining an answer as guidance for movement in a situation or the outcome of current events.
What is an ancestor or who can be considered an ancestor? Depending on the culture, the definition of ancestor has many meanings. In some cultures, you cannot be considered an…